갈기갈기 찢어진 영어로
- 갈기갈기: 갈기갈기 to pieces; into shreds. ~ 찢다
- 찢어진: mutilated
- 갈기갈기: 갈기갈기 to pieces; into shreds. ~ 찢다 tear[rend] to pieces[ribbons / shreds / threads] / tear into strips / rip into tatters. ~ 찢긴 torn in[to] pieces. ~ 찢기다 be torn to[be in] pieces[tatters / shreds].
- 을 갈기갈기 찢다: pick to pieces
- 갈기: 갈기 a mane. ~가 있는 짐승 a maned beast.
- 갈기다: 갈기다1 [때리다] beat; strike; knock; hit; cuff; thrash; wallop; give[deal / deliver] a blow; punch; lick. 몽둥이로 ~ drub / club / cudgel. 채찍으로 ~ flog / lash / whip. 따귀를 ~ box[slap] on the ear / give a l
- 갈기쥐: Maned rat
- 말갈기: 말갈기 a horse's mane.
- 치갈기: bruxish
- 갈기늑대: Maned wolf
- 갈기산 (충북): Galgisan (Chungcheongbuk-do)
- 갈기호저: Thick-spined porcupine
- 공포의 사자 갈기: the adventure of the lion’s mane
- 내갈기다: 내갈기다1 [후려치다] thrash; slap; strike; hit. 몽둥이로~ club / cudgel / 채찍으로~ lash / whip. 뺨을 ~ slap cheek[face] / slap on the cheek.2 [글씨를 마구 쓰다] scribble; scrawl; dash. 편지를 ~ dash off a letter / scribble
- 내리갈기다: 내리갈기다 flog[beat / strike] ; bring down .